Caring, Sharing & Preparing for Cognitive Impairment (inc Dementia)

‘Caring, Sharing & Preparing for Cognitive Impairment Conference’ – NRAH – 9/3/18

This presentation was one I took very seriously. There was 200 Doctors, Nurses and Medical Professionals in the room. The Conference was all about getting the 3 health networks from SA together to share information.

My presentation is 11 minutes long and there is a small glitch at 3.09 secs into the video where an incoming call stopped the recording. (Only 10 seconds was missed).

I felt privileged to be able to deliver this presentation on behalf of the families and also people with dementia. Lets hope the messages get through. (fingers crossed)

Thank you also to Ian Gladstone for his terrific presentation which had the crowd roaring with laughter. Can’t wait to interview him next weekend. Bravo


No-One Should Have No-One

Today the very ‘glamorous’ Linda Booth and Brett Partington presented at the Loneliness & Social Isolation Symposium at Morphettville Racecourse’s Phar Lap Room.

We both put ourselves out there once again with our ‘heart on our sleeve’ speaking styles. There was a big crowd of 160 very receptive people.

‘Blinged Up’ Linda Booth was the hit of the day with her generous offer to give out free hugs to everyone in the room. (with a gentle push from me and a very big cardboard sign)

Thanks to the very innovative and professional Judith Gooden for inviting us to present. It was a fabulous opportunity to promote the benefits of ‘Dementia Downunder’ and share our stories about dementia to reduce loneliness and social isolation.

Congratulations to all the other fabulous presenters who gave up their time to speak today.

Welcome to all the brand new members who have joined ‘DD’ today from the Symposium.

Overall – a great initiative from SA Collaborative Projects.

PS – Thank you Linda for allocating me to receive above the regulation amount of your famous hugs.









Hanging on the Telephone

This dementia journey has produced some magical moments for me over the last 5 years. I want to share a small but powerful moment that happened at a recent dementia workshop I was presenting at last week.

One of the staff from Alzheimer’s Australia/DBMAS was in the audience listening to me speak about a story involving my night in the Emergency Department (ED)of the hospital with Dad being restrained by the security guards many years ago.

I told the audience I was in a really distressed state and was traumatized at what had just happened and had no idea what I was going to do next (I knew zero about dementia back then). I explained how I went into a corner of the room in the ED and called the help line. The voice on the end of that line was very comforting and it was one of the most amazing calls I have ever made.

This person came up to me after the presentation and said “Brett, After hearing you tell that story about your Dad in the ED, I had to let you know that I was the first person on the other end of the line that night when you called. I will never forget that call as long as I live….you sounded so distressed and emotional.”

Wow!…I am without words….

Global Action Against Dementia (My First Presentation) – Alzheimer’s Australia

This video is my first presentation on dementia for Alzheimer’s Australia. I give a ‘warts ‘n’all’ account of our journey with dementia. It is graphic & confronting, but it had to be said. I was ‘completely cooked’  after the presentation. I was also involved in a panel discussion with Gill Ayling (Dementia Champion – UK), Ian Gladstone & Tim Wallace. My speech starts at the 16.35 min mark.

*Thanks to Alzheimers Australia SA for the opportunity to tell my story at this event.