Onya Lads…Great Community Spirit


Was blown away today. I visited the Scout Recycling Centre at Hahndorf to see if I could obtain some old toasters, microwaves, ropes, stereos, and anything with screws, nuts or bolts on it for our ‘Gentlemen’s Club’ sessions.

David at the Scouts Recycling Centre rustled up a few items and is now kindly holding small appliances for our group when he comes across them….FREE!

A customer called John was listening in on our conversation and before I left he stopped me and offered his help as well by collecting and dropping off things he comes across on the job.

This is Xmas spirit people! It has also sparked an idea for me to recruit men to help other men in nursing homes and be their friends and mentors.


Let’s see where this idea can go!

Thanks guys!…appreciated.


The Gentlemen’s Club – Week 5


We decided to change our name from ‘Men’s Group’ to ‘The Gentleman’s Club’ cos it was part of our banter this week and is probably a bit more dignified.

No photos this week as we did painting again, but we did have two new men join the group, and they loved it.

I wanted to share a story which involved my assistant, and once again I copped a BIG lesson.

We were planning the activity for next week and I suggested we make a ‘hardware style activity station’ for each man out of bolts and nuts etc. At the time I thought it was a good idea when he stopped me in my tracks.

He snapped at me and said “Brett …. No!!!…That activity is not gonna happen. I joined your group because you gave these men real purpose. Do not go backwards, only do things that mean something and are useful. We owe it to these men to give them purpose in life ”

Wow!… I was shocked with his passionate outburst, but rather than be offended that he hated my idea, I am going to embrace the feedback and involve ‘purpose ‘ in ALL my activities.

This life lesson brought to you by the Dementia Downunder Gentlemen’s Club. The most authentic & insightful classroom in the world!

Men’s Group Week 3 – 100% Engagement


Great result yesterday with the Men’s Group painting 3x Golf boxes ( first coat). The idea is that we will make a box for every section of our nursing home. ( as golf is the no. 1 activity).

I hope to then donate more to other nursing homes in the Eldercare group then expand to others as well. This way we are doing something for others and is relevant and a valued outcome.A low cost activity which people at all stages of dementia can participate in some form. Was amazed when Bob even had a go at painting.

Feisty Fred (96) was having a whinge to me by saying “Why should I bloody paint anything at all when this was the reason my father was disappointed in me not working with him as a professional house painter?”

He said all this and much more (about life with his dad) across the session whilst his hands went to work and beautifully and speedily painted the bulk of the boxes (in his pajamas).

The other men painted parts of the box, the brand new dining table, the newspaper and themselves.🙂

Overall a great result as it started conversations, was productive, and everyone was engaged. Thanks to my new volunteer helper, Michael who did a great job with the men.
