Interstate ‘Meet up’ Drinks – Melbourne

A new first for Dementia Downunder – by having our first interstate ‘meet up’.

A great time was had by all prior to the national dementia conference with some drinks and chat in the Lobby Bar of the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

I must say ‘thank you’ to everyone for attending and for being so open and honest about how Dementia impacts on each of you.

I learnt so much in those few hours it was incredible. Good luck to everyone who is presenting a speech or digital poster at the conference.






Meet & Greet – National Dementia Conference (Melb)


Are you attending the Dementia Conference? ….Please join us Tuesday in the Lobby Bar at The Crowne Plaza Hotel (Near Reception).

Sarah Ashton and I thought it would be a nice idea to catch up with ‘DD’ Members for a quick chat the night before. Feel free to pop in and say ‘hello’ or stay longer and have a coffee or drink. (It is always good to know someone at the conferences).