Magical Moment at Memorial

Last weekend would have been Bob’s (dad) birthday weekend so as a family we had a private memorial for him, complete with a Skype linkup via laptop with my brother’s family who are currently in Bali.

The memorial was absolutely amazing in more ways than one. My Mum (Jan) arranged for all the grandchildren to release a white balloon each in honour of Bob.

What happened next was bizarre….

After we all released our balloons we counted them in the sky and watched them all float away together until they could no longer be seen.

We started playing tennis about 20 minutes later and were having some family fun when we all noticed one of the white balloons had returned and was floating around the backyard.

How could this be when all the balloons had literally travelled kilometres?

I don’t normally believe in ‘signs’ from above’ but it was certainly a magical moment that made our day😀