Honour Your Loved One This Christmas

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I wanted to come up with a simple way to remind us all about the real meaning of Christmas, and what caring about people is all about.

Unfortunately my Dad can’t be with us at our Christmas family lunch this year as he is unable to leave hospital due to his current condition. This will be the first time in our family’s history he won’t be physically with us. Many of you may be in a similar position or may have tragically had a loved one pass away.

I thought a nice gesture would be to leave a place (empty chair) at the Christmas table as a reminder that they are still with us no matter what, and to ensure they are not forgotten.

Dealing with Dad’s dementia has taught me a lot about people, the strength of our family and also about what is really important in life.

Dementia may take away the voice of a person, but it is up to us to give them that voice in our community and protect them when they no longer can.

A dementia friendly community to me is one that is ‘all inclusive’ and ensures no-one gets left behind.

When you care for someone with dementia it is not the gifts that matter, it is the dignity, respect and the way you treat them that matters.

Honour your loved one today by just thinking & talking about them……

Don’t forget to give your nurses and carers a hug to thank them for just ‘doing what they do’ (it is invaluable).

Please feel free to use ‘Dementia Downunder’ to share with others what your loved one/s means to you.



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