A Tough But Rewarding Presentation Today

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Recently I was asked to give a speech to celebrate the opening of the re-development at  ‘The Lodge’ Aged Care Facility. There were 120 residents, carers, nurses and management in attendance and the event was ‘live streamed’ into the Memory support Units and other Eldercare sites. I love the way they are now using technology to include all the residents that cannot attend these events.

It was a particularly difficult and emotional event for me as it was the first time I have been back there since Dad passed away. Seeing the familiar faces in the audience re-ignited that connection, but also added to the pressure.There was a lady playing the harp as well which was fabulous. Once again I finished writing my speech at 4.30am this morning, but luckily got the job done on the day.

The Eldercare CEO Jane Pickering gave me a very generous and overwhelming introduction speech and this almost floored me before I spoke. I was honoured to cut the ribbon with 96 yo resident ‘Beryl’ who also spoke, and did a sterling job. The gold scissors were huge but we did it together.

The theme of my presentation was that the families have to now become part of the aged care process and the lines of communication with staff need to remain open. I also highlighted the value of our older people and that they all deserve dignity and respect as they have earnt this. The speech was recorded so may be able to post one day.

Nice to now have a break from speeches and rest.


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